Illini Boxing
May 03, 2017Alright, guys, this is it! This week we had our last practice for the year, and what a year it has been:
- We saw our club grow significantly in 2016-2017 with record registrations and attendance,
- We attended 4 competition events, with more than 16 fighters from the club competing in beginner, novice and open divisions!
- We had an amazing run at the 2017 USIBA Nationals and established a great relationship with Coach Luyando; with his help and guidance a team of just 11 athletes won 4 belts!
- We saw 3 new members, that joined the club in this year, compete at the Nationals and other events, with wins and tough competitive fights,
- We filled a claim to host the USIBA 2018 Nationals right here at UIUC!
- We changed up our whole training routine, with more emphasis on conditioning and on the beginners. Something that we are looking to balance back next year with exclusive competitive team practices, and
- We had 3 amazing social events, with great attendance, a lot of fun and great memories!
It really has been a great year and we want to thank everyone for being part of the club and making this happen. Without you guys, none of this would be possible or have any meaning!
Also, as with each year, we lose some people as they move on to bigger and better things in their lives and we wish them all the best in their future. This year, in particular, is really emotional for us all, and me personally, and I am certain for many others, as we say goodbye to our Co-Founder, Head Coach, President and most of all heart-and-soul of this club Michael McDonough. Mike is graduating from UIUC after completing his 5-year BSc + MSc program in Accounting and starting this summer he will be a public accountant at Grant Thornton. So, next year, 2017-2018 will be the first year that the IBC will run without Michael and I hope that the rest of the coaches and the exec board can fill in his shoes! I am pretty sure Mike will be visiting us next year, so don’t cry – at least not too much! Once again we all want to say thank you and a warm farewell to the man who set the building blocks for what this club is today!
Finally, we want to make public the results of our elections for the coming year. So, without further ado, here is our new executive board:
- President: Konstantinos "Sloth" Koiliaris
- Vice President: Allan Castellon
- Treasurers: Devon Kruse-Wu, Anjali Ramani
- Social Chair: Drew Higley
- Secretary: Ivonne Casas
and here is your coach group for next year:
- Robert Arias
- Huey Gao
- Konstantinos "Sloth" Koiliaris
Huey, will be joining Robert and Sloth in trying to fill in Mike’s shoes and help add some fresh perspective in the coaching of the club!
With all that being said, we want to wish everyone a great summer! Stay in shape, stay in the gym, cause fall is a lot closer than you might think and there will be plenty competitions coming our way next year!
From Sloth and the whole New Executive Board,
Have a great break!